Welcome to Unilever Bangladesh Ltd
Our new logo tells the story of Unilever and vitality, bringing together 25 different icons that best represent Unilever, our brands and the benefits we bring to consumers and the world in which we operate.

Beauty Quick fixes

Tired Eyes
For years, everyone recommended navy blue liner as the key to brightening eyes. Actually, the secret is light blue. Line the inner rim of your bottom eyelid with pale blue liner. The pastel hue makes the whites of your eyes appear brighter.

Skin Blemishes-
Use a clean lip brush instead of your finger to apply concealer. You get more precise application and better coverage. (Heat from your finger can dilute the product).

5 pm Flat Hair-
Resist the urge to pile on more styling product or hairspray. Instead, mist your hair with water and shape it into place with your fingers. The water will reactivate the styling product you already have in your hair.

Grey Roots-
No time for a colour touch-up? Use a coloured mascara that matches your hair colour to instantly camouflage grey hairs.

Smudged Nail-
Put a drop of nail polish remover on your finger and smooth out the smudge. Wait a few seconds, then apply a light coat of polish over the whole nail. Apply a speed-dry topcoat to get you out of the door fast.

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